The short film Kung Fury is a homage and a love letter to the 80's from the director David Sandberg.

Miami Police Department detective and martial artist Kung Fury time travels from the 1980s to World War II to kill Adolf Hitler, a.k.a. "Kung Führer", and revenge his friend's death at the hands of the Nazi leader. An error in the time machine sends him further back to the Viking Age.

The film was crowdfunded in the beginning of 2014 and released on the 28th of may 2015.

The film is now available for free!

Follow our production diary to see behind the scenes videos and our journey towards future projects.

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  • Facebook Stickers, The Jacket, and Blu-Ray Update

    Apr 26, 2016

    Hi Everybody,

    It's been a Viking Age since we've made a blog post, but we're still here and keeping busy. Fun stuff, we're officially Facebook Stickers now, thanks to incredible artist Ferry Gouw. 

    Check out our pecs...I mean pack. HERE:

    You can tell all your friends now how you really feel!

    or show that computer who is the boss!

    Also our epic JACKET from the "True Survivor" music video is now available at of which 1000 were produced in Limited Edition. Ships worldwide and shipping included. Plus Mitch Murder wrote an exclusive song for it, that is totally awesome!

    And finally, the home stretch of manufacturing our Kung Fury Blu-Ray and DVDs to fulfill our insanely patient Kickstarter backers is so close! If you're a Kickstarter backer, please make sure the campaign has your shipping address by filling out the address survey Kickstarter sent out, or update a previous survey if you have moved and were in a combo tier. We are in the process of organizing with different fulfillment centers now to deliver your rewards ideally by the end of May. If you were not a backer, no worries! We plan to have them on our webshop on a TBD date.

    Anyways so much going on, but more to come as we're working our way towards a fun year and developing a feature film.


    -David and The Laser Unicorns Team

  • THE JACKET Available for Pre-Order!

    Nov 04, 2015

    Hi Everyone!

    If you missed the first pre-order deadline, no worries at all, due to fan demand we have extended the pre-order for The Jacket on It comes with its own exclusive song by Mitch Murder, and for this run only FREE SHIPPING when you place a Pre-Order!

    Also, the music video that started us down The Jacket highway has also been nominated in VEVO's The Year in Vevo: (laughing teary eyed emojis). If you have a chance to vote for True Survivor, visit here: Click a right arrow on the 1st webpage to see our funny category. Even #LOLTrueSurvivor counts as a Vote!

    We also know we've had lots of hiccups and delays with our project but we can't thank everyone enough for the super support we receive as the Kung Fury fan base continues to grow. Our Netflix launch gained a whole new audience these past few weeks and that's been crazy exciting.  More fun stuff is happening and we want you all to know we are working our best towards your Kickstarter rewards with our resources and will always update our community when there is awesome news to share! 

    Much Radical Love,

    The Laser Unicorns Team

  • Kung Fury Jacket Survey!

    Sep 24, 2015

    BOOM!!! Months of work, 140,000 stitches later and we're ready to push the Jacket button. We designed a high quality material jacket and want to know who out there wants it! This is just an estimate survey to help us know how many to make!  We are really proud of the work put into the jacket and are super excited to offer it soon. The Poll HERE:

    Thanks everybody!

    -The Laser Unicorns Team